Happy Snow Days

Happy Snow Days from Oregon where as much as 10 inches of the beautiful white stuff landed across the metro area mostly overnight, reminding us that winter isn’t over ‘til it’s over.  My Hyacinth and Crocus buds are buried, along with the blooming Hellebores, and today’s temperature hasn’t made it up to the freezing mark yet.  I’m cozied in with more steaming tea than usual and got to enjoy a comfort food lunch of grilled cheese & tomato soup with a friend here in my condo complex, who was able to walk over because a generous and hardy neighbor had shoveled the sidewalk.

Another friend called this morning to say she had used my poem, “Five Haikus for the season of cold & long” as her morning meditation and then found herself setting up her crockpot to keep her company with some lovely chicken soup.  “Five Haikus” appears in both my Words That Dance and All In The Soup Together, but if you don’t have either book, here it is.

Five Haikus for the
season of cold & long

winter afternoons
darkness takes over the sky
like a flock of crows

a glorious wind
sweeping the long pathway home
wraps us in its folds

arriving at last
we shed our soggy garments
and cozy on in

wafting through the house
a rich promise of hot soup
steaming lazily

slanting rain taps glass
ice crusted window melting
one more icicle

I was delighted earlier this week to see that Jean Zorn, who publishes Persimmon Tree, the online Arts & Literary Journal for and by women over 60, had featured the ad for my memoir in her most recent email message, “You don’t call, you don’t write.”  Checking it out helps draw the circle of Aging Rascals & Occasional Writers ever wider.

And while Chelsea King, our guest on this Sunday’s “Conversation With Friends” is far from an Aging Rascal, she is a mover and a shaker when it comes to innovation and inclusivity in the world of children and education.  Join us at 4pm PST with this link to hear about Chelsea’s current projects, especially the Oregon Health & Education Collaborative, and contribute your thoughts to the conversation. If you can’t make it then, I hope you will watch the recorded version at your convenience.

That’s all I’m going to say for this week.  It’s time to replenish the hummingbird’s sugar water and refill the bird feeder (again).  These little guys need all the help they can get.

Published by Sulima Malzin

This 'Aging Rascal & Occasional Writer' invites you to embrace the world through her open window of poetry, art, activism, music, and humor.

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Love the Haiku’s. 💕

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