Summertime Poems – Two Readings

“Summertime & the livin’ is easy …” As August draws to a close, listen to two readings by two poets.

LESSONS FROM THE FARM, Sulima Malzin, Words That Dance

ON A ZOOM CALL WITH MY MOTHER, Maya Stein, 10-Line Tuesday

Published by Sulima Malzin

This 'Aging Rascal & Occasional Writer' invites you to embrace the world through her open window of poetry, art, activism, music, and humor.

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I love this poem! It gives me a glimpse of how the massive heat from a wood cook stove could be managed in the summer. It also reminds me of corn on the cob picked after the water was set to boil, which I experienced as a child on a farm far from Connecticut .
It paints a joy of food and being close to the earth.

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