Find your way around Sulima’s website.
Book Launch
- Book Launch of Words That DanceA reading of some poems from Words That Dance, filmed at the West Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on September 11, 2021. (VIDEO)
- Inaugural Reading of Arms Filled With BittersweetInaugural reading of some poems from Arms Filled with Bittersweet, filmed at the West Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on May 21, 2022. (VIDEO)
- On the RoadSulima is “on the road” this week in her native Connecticut, her arms (literally) filled with Bittersweet and Words That Dance. She will return next week with stories to share.
- Poignancy & Progress at the Apple Harvest FestivalHighlights from Sulima’s 2022 book signing trip through Connecticut.
- All In The Soup Together … An InvitationI’ve heard it said that people all over the world are made the same … only the soups are different. I like to believe this is true.
- Soup, Strike, & SingTo my principle of balance being best achieved when sharing both philosophical reflections and comic relief, here are two for your consideration.
- Songs, Dances, Poems & Gifts of DecemberSunday’s “Group Soup Book Launch” is taking a lot of my time this week, but it’s not the only thing happening.
- Group Soup & Book LaunchWhat a turnout for the launch of ‘All In The Soup Together … Four Seasons Of Recipes & Reflections’!
- Celebrating Our Elders… we and the world are alive again today, and this is the world’s birthday. And even though we’ll never be young again, we also know we’re still right here.
- Making America Beautiful AgainI remind myself of the good that is happening everywhere, thanks to the everyday people who have chosen to neither stand back nor stand by.
- It’s the Merry Month of Motherhood …… or maybe not.
- Signs of CelebrationFinally … the place I knew would be home from then on … and so it has been.
- Memorial Day Weekend…when under the guise of remembering our fallen heroes ….
- Celebrating SummerA special edition offering first & foremost …
- March!almost Spring, almost warm, and suddenly … there is more light, and suddenly daffodils and robins and the smell of damp earth yearning for fresh seeds. Suddenly it’s March again. Women’s History Month … In like a lion, out like a lamb? We’ll see about that.
- April is National Poetry Monthand the days are flying by …
- Always Looking for Acts of KindnessWhen so much of the “news” that makes its way to our screens and inboxes is about violence & meanness, I am always looking for acts of kindness.
- September Elegy … on the subject of Special Needs & Special GiftsThis is one of those stories that practically wrote itself. The time was right, the words were there and meant to be shared.
- Watch: Our First “Conversation With Friends”Our first “Conversation With Friends” featured Paul Susi. It was a spirited discussion about his blistering performance of The Fever. Catch up here!
- October in All Its GloryHispanic Heritage in full bloom, State Fairs winding down …. breathing space between the summer that has been and the winter that is coming.
- Reviewing SummerI like what we’ve done and I hope you do too, from comic relief to deep philosophical reflections.
- Ring the Bells That Still Can RingOur Democracy is still intact … for the moment. And yet, of course we all know that anything can still happen. We’re not done yet, but we are here.
- Thanks & GivingIt seems like just yesterday that I commented on All Souls Day and the busy month of November ahead of us. And yet here we are …
- Baring and BearingIn the Great State of Missouri, known as the “show me” state, it seems that “baring arms” is what most needed immediate legislation.
- Conversation With Friends: Cindy Williams GutierrezOur second “Conversation With Friends” features Cindy Williams Gutierrez, Portland poet and dramatist of ‘In The Name of Forgotten Women.’
- There Is Always a LightReaching consensus can be messy, disruptive, and time consuming. With so much else on our plates, do we really have time for that kind of deep listening?
- Too Much News from Too Many DirectionsWait! What? Isn’t it March that’s supposed to come in like a Lion? It feels like the whole pride is here early!
- We can’t begin to know what next week will bring. But we can b r e a t h e.Here we go, then, with a little bit of this, a little bit of that. Here and there a poem, maybe a song. Wade through it all or …
- Happy Snow DaysIt’s time to replenish the hummingbird’s sugar water and refill the bird feeder (again). These little guys need all the help they can get.
- Conversation With Friends: Chelsea KingTake a look & listen to our latest “Conversations” guest, Oregon dynamo Chelsea King and her new Oregon Health & Education Collaborative. Then …
- Share Some of your Favorite Historical WomenLet’s hear it for your female heroes! Who were they and what did they do to influence who you’ve become?
- Everything in BetweenThis week marks a couple of life-changing personal anniversaries for me which I’ve decided to share with you. Why? Why not.
- New Plantings Take RootThat last little snowstorm was just a test of faith. The old cherry tree outside my window is showing off its tiny pink nubs yet again. Hope springs eternal.
- It’s National Poetry Month“There is too much beauty in this world to give up on it yet.”
- In the midst of Nat’l Poetry Month… isn’t this where we should be?
- Springboards and RascalityI don’t know about you, but I desperately needed a break.
- Conversation With Friends: Paulann PetersenSo much happened this week. Let’s begin by replaying the Conversation with Paulann Petersen.
- Making America Beautiful AgainI remind myself of the good that is happening everywhere, thanks to the everyday people who have chosen to neither stand back nor stand by.
- It’s the Merry Month of Motherhood …… or maybe not.
- Signs of CelebrationFinally … the place I knew would be home from then on … and so it has been.
- Memorial Day Weekend…when under the guise of remembering our fallen heroes ….
- Stand Against Book BanningJoin a Banned Book Club and resist the erosion of our literary freedoms.
- Words about PRIDEIn time for Father’s Day, Summer Solstice, and PRIDE, I’m offering a little bite of this & a little bite of that.
- And Sometimes It Just Has to Be a SongI love to think of us all making beautiful noise and getting into good trouble together … for a long, long time.
- Back on the Banned Books Bandwagon“… whatever human beings are, we are storytellers. It is our stories that give a light to the future.” –Nikki Giovanni
- Conversation With Friends: Devon ErvinOur fifth Conversation with Friends featured author and friend Devon Ervin.
- This week I’m writing about Devon, Yvonne, and Barbie… unwrapped & out of their pretty pink boxes!
- Some Things Move Us More Than We Can SayLittle blessings that don’t always come packaged the way we expected.
- Tousled & Dismantleda Being that can continually be remade.
- I Know the World is Bruised and Bleedingand though it is important not to ignore its pain, it is also critical to refuse to succumb to its malevolence … Toni Morrison
- Light Waves Special EditionExpanding Our Conversation on Israel-Palestine on December 5
- Small Kindnesses & Pockets of Joy Reflected in December’s Dark Mirror… And an invitation to turn the page in a “Release & Renewal Conversation With Friends”.
- ‘Release & Renewal Conversation With Friends’ ReminderI hope you will join us. Your presence will surely enrich the conversation.
- EPIPHANIES … Timely Definitions for January 6th & BeyondCommemorating the sacred, the profane, and the birthday of Kahlil Gibran, accompanied by a couple of poems & a song.
- ON THE FENCE … and coming out of the fogSo much hanging in the balance and the fence so fragile.
- … And Off We Go!What a difference a month makes.
- The Little Shop of Horrors is Back & Open for BusinessPost-Coronation Greetings, Fellow Americans looking for Light!
- The Zoom RoomLooking for the link to join the Conversation with Friends? We’ve got you covered!
- Book Launch of Words That DanceA reading of some poems from Words That Dance, filmed at the West Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on September 11, 2021. (VIDEO)
- Inaugural Reading of Arms Filled With BittersweetInaugural reading of some poems from Arms Filled with Bittersweet, filmed at the West Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on May 21, 2022. (VIDEO)
- Nosdrovyea! (maybe) What? In a week where enormously horrible stuff is happening in the world, it’s borscht that gets a spot on the U.N. protection list?
- Ann Staley Tribute at the Milwaukie Poetry SeriesPoet Sulima Malzin joins the Ann Staley tribute at the Milwaukie Poetry Series: Season 15 Episode 11, filmed July 13, 2022. (VIDEO)
- Wednesday WordsOnce-a-week in your mailbox: a summary of recent postings, links to items of interest, and reminders of upcoming events from this website. This week’s reminder is about…
- Africa House Open House & Volunteer AppreciationThe Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization invite you to celebrate the long-awaited unveiling of the new Africa House! Friday, September 9 from 5:30–7:30PM.
- Event: Calendar House Senior CenterIf you happen to be anywhere near Sulima’s hometown of Southington, Connecticut the last week of September, you might want to check this out!
- Denise Busch and DanceAbilityINTRODUCING …. one of my favorite creative rascals …. long-time friend and Raging Granny Sister, Denise Busch. “DanceAbility” is her latest endeavor.
- Conversation With Friends: Paul SusiIt’s time for our first CONVERSATION WITH FRIENDS, Sunday, September 18, 4pm (PT). Please consider joining as we visit with Paul Susi, Portland theater artist, writer, and community activist.
- Southington CT Book TourThis week, I leave for my long-awaited ‘little book tour’ beginning in my hometown of Southington, Connecticut just in time for the start of the town’s “Apple Harvest Festival.” Stay tuned for more!
- Watch: Our First “Conversation With Friends”Our first “Conversation With Friends” featured Paul Susi. It was a spirited discussion about his blistering performance of The Fever. Catch up here!
- On the RoadSulima is “on the road” this week in her native Connecticut, her arms (literally) filled with Bittersweet and Words That Dance. She will return next week with stories to share.
- Poignancy & Progress at the Apple Harvest FestivalHighlights from Sulima’s 2022 book signing trip through Connecticut.
- November … Heading into the Season of Cold & LongA busy month full of events and poetry and conversation. Which of these will you join?
- Auction: Live Performance by Paul Susi, “The Fever”Get tickets now for “The Fever” live theater performance by Paul Susi, November 19th 7-9pm on WHUUF’s Sanctuary stage.
- Get your Heart in the GameThere is still plenty for us to do. Life, after all, is not meant to be a Spectator Sport.
- All In The Soup Together … An InvitationI’ve heard it said that people all over the world are made the same … only the soups are different. I like to believe this is true.
- Songs, Dances, Poems & Gifts of DecemberSunday’s “Group Soup Book Launch” is taking a lot of my time this week, but it’s not the only thing happening.
- If Poetry is Meaningful to You……Please Buy Poetry Books. A PSA from the poet, Ellen Bass.
- Group Soup & Book LaunchWhat a turnout for the launch of ‘All In The Soup Together … Four Seasons Of Recipes & Reflections’!
- Remembered Women“When will we learn from a woman like this – with her incredible gentleness, the light that fills where she is, that love is a form of intelligence.”
- First Russian Christmas Open House Since 2020On Sunday afternoon amidst sudden showers & splashes of sunshine, my home began filling with friends, neighbors and family.
- Conversation With Friends: Cindy Williams GutierrezOur second “Conversation With Friends” features Cindy Williams Gutierrez, Portland poet and dramatist of ‘In The Name of Forgotten Women.’
- One Child, One Teacher, One Book, One Pen Can Change the World“I always loved English because whatever human beings are, we are storytellers. It is our stories that give a light to the future.”
- Conversation With Friends: Chelsea KingTake a look & listen to our latest “Conversations” guest, Oregon dynamo Chelsea King and her new Oregon Health & Education Collaborative. Then …
- International Women’s DayInternational Women’s Day only happens once a year and I couldn’t let this one go by uncelebrated.
- Writing Lab: Where Our Writing Takes UsIt’s time to restart my “Where Our Writing Takes Us” writing lab. If you’re in the Portland/King City area, read on.
- Springboards and RascalityI don’t know about you, but I desperately needed a break.
- Conversation With Friends: Paulann PetersenSo much happened this week. Let’s begin by replaying the Conversation with Paulann Petersen.
- Localopolis 2023A beautiful day in the neighborhood ….
- Conversation With Friends: Devon ErvinOur fifth Conversation with Friends featured author and friend Devon Ervin.
- Small Kindnesses & Pockets of Joy Reflected in December’s Dark Mirror… And an invitation to turn the page in a “Release & Renewal Conversation With Friends”.
- ‘Release & Renewal Conversation With Friends’ ReminderI hope you will join us. Your presence will surely enrich the conversation.
- EPIPHANIES … Timely Definitions for January 6th & BeyondCommemorating the sacred, the profane, and the birthday of Kahlil Gibran, accompanied by a couple of poems & a song.
- April is National Poetry Monthand the days are flying by …
Light Waves
- “Don’t Let Democracy Die” MarchOn the 100-year anniversary of finally acquiring the vote, we the women, we the people, all the people, must not let our democracy die.
- The Zoom RoomLooking for the link to join the Conversation with Friends? We’ve got you covered!
- Arms Filled with BittersweetWe are offering the eBook version of Arms Filled With Bittersweet for just 99 cents!
- Book Launch of Words That DanceA reading of some poems from Words That Dance, filmed at the West Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on September 11, 2021. (VIDEO)
- Inaugural Reading of Arms Filled With BittersweetInaugural reading of some poems from Arms Filled with Bittersweet, filmed at the West Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on May 21, 2022. (VIDEO)
- Dangerous Times Call for Dangerous WomenTED Talks: Pat Mitchell has nothing left to prove and much less to lose – she’s become a “dangerous woman.”
- Writing a Better Story, by Carrie NewcomerWhen I discovered this inspirational recording, I knew I had found my theme song for Arms Filled With Bittersweet. Maybe yours too.
- Nosdrovyea! (maybe) What? In a week where enormously horrible stuff is happening in the world, it’s borscht that gets a spot on the U.N. protection list?
- Ruth Bader GinsbergWhat’s the difference between a bookkeeper in the garment district and a Supreme Court Justice? One generation. – RIP, Notorious RBG
- Speaking of HopeHope is not a lottery ticket you can sit on the sofa and clutch, feeling lucky. (Rebecca Solnit)
- Older LadiesIf you need a little lift today, “Older Ladies” just might be your ticket.
- Ann Staley Tribute at the Milwaukie Poetry SeriesPoet Sulima Malzin joins the Ann Staley tribute at the Milwaukie Poetry Series: Season 15 Episode 11, filmed July 13, 2022. (VIDEO)
- Behind a Wall That Needs Tearing Down“Everything we need to know sits behind a wall that needs tearing down.” – Maya Stein
- Bold, Blunt Language“During a time when lies are invading the land of truth, let us know hope is just an idea if it doesn’t lace its boots.” –Andrea Gibson, they/them
- Only in Oregon ….Hunter Noack, IN A LANDSCAPE: Classical Music in the Wild is an outdoor concert series where America’s most stunning landscapes replace the traditional concert hall.
- Always Looking for Acts of KindnessWhen so much of the “news” that makes its way to our screens and inboxes is about violence & meanness, I am always looking for acts of kindness.
- Wednesday WordsOnce-a-week in your mailbox: a summary of recent postings, links to items of interest, and reminders of upcoming events from this website. This week’s reminder is about…
- Africa House Open House & Volunteer AppreciationThe Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization invite you to celebrate the long-awaited unveiling of the new Africa House! Friday, September 9 from 5:30–7:30PM.
- Put a Woman in ChargeWhen Enough is Enough is Enough, Keb Mo & Roseanne Cash have the answer …
- Reflections on The Supreme Court v American Democracy and moreReflections on The Supreme Court v American Democracy, Ursula K. Le Guin on abortion, and Michael Moore on the Roevember Elections.
- Event: Calendar House Senior CenterIf you happen to be anywhere near Sulima’s hometown of Southington, Connecticut the last week of September, you might want to check this out!
- This I Believe About WritingWhen asked why I write and what I believe about writing, my answers will depend entirely on the day and time the question is asked. These questions have a multitude of answers and these are the ones that I have for today.
- Summertime Poems – Two Readings“Summertime & the livin’ is easy …” As August draws to a close, listen to two readings by two poets.
- Denise Busch and DanceAbilityINTRODUCING …. one of my favorite creative rascals …. long-time friend and Raging Granny Sister, Denise Busch. “DanceAbility” is her latest endeavor.
- “Rage On!” A Raging Grannies Documentary“We don’t know what you’ve been told, but we get strong as we get old. Rage On, Portland Raging Grannies, Rage On!” A sweet, short documentary ….
- Can We Have a Little Chat About…In the news this week, ‘Esteemed Vogue photographer Annie Leibovitz is under fire again for her latest portraits of a Black woman.’ What’s your take?
- Reverence for Ordinary MomentsI visit this site when I need to tune back in to holding reverence for ordinary moments and deep appreciation for life, regardless of what is going on in my world.
- Today’s Pick-Me-UpToday’s Pick-Me-Up is “CHOCOLATE” … a very fun singalong that was a feature of the annual “Chocolate Communion Service” at my church … a service devoted to “pleasure activism.”
- September Elegy … on the subject of Special Needs & Special GiftsThis is one of those stories that practically wrote itself. The time was right, the words were there and meant to be shared.
- Conversation With Friends: Paul SusiIt’s time for our first CONVERSATION WITH FRIENDS, Sunday, September 18, 4pm (PT). Please consider joining as we visit with Paul Susi, Portland theater artist, writer, and community activist.
- The SlowdownIf you’re not already familiar with The Slowdown, curated by the current Poet Laureate Ada Limon, today’s poem is a great introduction.
- Are You Voting This Time?The Portland Raging Grannies are part of an international gathering of Aging Rascals who thrive on helping to raise human consciousness. We sing, we dance, we march, we show up!
- Southington CT Book TourThis week, I leave for my long-awaited ‘little book tour’ beginning in my hometown of Southington, Connecticut just in time for the start of the town’s “Apple Harvest Festival.” Stay tuned for more!
- Watch: Our First “Conversation With Friends”Our first “Conversation With Friends” featured Paul Susi. It was a spirited discussion about his blistering performance of The Fever. Catch up here!
- On the RoadSulima is “on the road” this week in her native Connecticut, her arms (literally) filled with Bittersweet and Words That Dance. She will return next week with stories to share.
- Poignancy & Progress at the Apple Harvest FestivalHighlights from Sulima’s 2022 book signing trip through Connecticut.
- October in All Its GloryHispanic Heritage in full bloom, State Fairs winding down …. breathing space between the summer that has been and the winter that is coming.
- Practice the PrivilegeI want to emphasize what it means to practice the privilege we still have as Americans … to Vote.
- Reviewing SummerI like what we’ve done and I hope you do too, from comic relief to deep philosophical reflections.
- November … Heading into the Season of Cold & LongA busy month full of events and poetry and conversation. Which of these will you join?
- Ring the Bells That Still Can RingOur Democracy is still intact … for the moment. And yet, of course we all know that anything can still happen. We’re not done yet, but we are here.
- Auction: Live Performance by Paul Susi, “The Fever”Get tickets now for “The Fever” live theater performance by Paul Susi, November 19th 7-9pm on WHUUF’s Sanctuary stage.
- Get your Heart in the GameThere is still plenty for us to do. Life, after all, is not meant to be a Spectator Sport.
- Thanks & GivingIt seems like just yesterday that I commented on All Souls Day and the busy month of November ahead of us. And yet here we are …
- All In The Soup Together … An InvitationI’ve heard it said that people all over the world are made the same … only the soups are different. I like to believe this is true.
- Soup, Strike, & SingTo my principle of balance being best achieved when sharing both philosophical reflections and comic relief, here are two for your consideration.
- Songs, Dances, Poems & Gifts of DecemberSunday’s “Group Soup Book Launch” is taking a lot of my time this week, but it’s not the only thing happening.
- If Poetry is Meaningful to You……Please Buy Poetry Books. A PSA from the poet, Ellen Bass.
- Group Soup & Book LaunchWhat a turnout for the launch of ‘All In The Soup Together … Four Seasons Of Recipes & Reflections’!
- But We’re Not Quite There YetThese days we walk a fine line. We know that very soon the light will be returning … but we’re not quite there yet.
- Winter Solstice is Upon UsLast week I said “…. but we’re not quite there yet …. “ and now we are!
- Here Again in That Inbetween PlaceWe find ourselves somewhere between the Milky Way and the Mountains, caught between what we meant to do and what we did.
- Remembered Women“When will we learn from a woman like this – with her incredible gentleness, the light that fills where she is, that love is a form of intelligence.”
- First Russian Christmas Open House Since 2020On Sunday afternoon amidst sudden showers & splashes of sunshine, my home began filling with friends, neighbors and family.
- Baring and BearingIn the Great State of Missouri, known as the “show me” state, it seems that “baring arms” is what most needed immediate legislation.
- Conversation With Friends: Cindy Williams GutierrezOur second “Conversation With Friends” features Cindy Williams Gutierrez, Portland poet and dramatist of ‘In The Name of Forgotten Women.’
- There Is Always a LightReaching consensus can be messy, disruptive, and time consuming. With so much else on our plates, do we really have time for that kind of deep listening?
- Too Much News from Too Many DirectionsWait! What? Isn’t it March that’s supposed to come in like a Lion? It feels like the whole pride is here early!
- We can’t begin to know what next week will bring. But we can b r e a t h e.Here we go, then, with a little bit of this, a little bit of that. Here and there a poem, maybe a song. Wade through it all or …
- One Child, One Teacher, One Book, One Pen Can Change the World“I always loved English because whatever human beings are, we are storytellers. It is our stories that give a light to the future.”
- Happy Snow DaysIt’s time to replenish the hummingbird’s sugar water and refill the bird feeder (again). These little guys need all the help they can get.
- Conversation With Friends: Chelsea KingTake a look & listen to our latest “Conversations” guest, Oregon dynamo Chelsea King and her new Oregon Health & Education Collaborative. Then …
- Share Some of your Favorite Historical WomenLet’s hear it for your female heroes! Who were they and what did they do to influence who you’ve become?
- International Women’s DayInternational Women’s Day only happens once a year and I couldn’t let this one go by uncelebrated.
- Everything in BetweenThis week marks a couple of life-changing personal anniversaries for me which I’ve decided to share with you. Why? Why not.
- New Plantings Take RootThat last little snowstorm was just a test of faith. The old cherry tree outside my window is showing off its tiny pink nubs yet again. Hope springs eternal.
- It’s National Poetry Month“There is too much beauty in this world to give up on it yet.”
- Writing Lab: Where Our Writing Takes UsIt’s time to restart my “Where Our Writing Takes Us” writing lab. If you’re in the Portland/King City area, read on.
- In the midst of Nat’l Poetry Month… isn’t this where we should be?
- Springboards and RascalityI don’t know about you, but I desperately needed a break.
- Conversation With Friends: Paulann PetersenSo much happened this week. Let’s begin by replaying the Conversation with Paulann Petersen.
- Celebrating Our Elders… we and the world are alive again today, and this is the world’s birthday. And even though we’ll never be young again, we also know we’re still right here.
- Making America Beautiful AgainI remind myself of the good that is happening everywhere, thanks to the everyday people who have chosen to neither stand back nor stand by.
- It’s the Merry Month of Motherhood …… or maybe not.
- Signs of CelebrationFinally … the place I knew would be home from then on … and so it has been.
- Memorial Day Weekend…when under the guise of remembering our fallen heroes ….
- Stand Against Book BanningJoin a Banned Book Club and resist the erosion of our literary freedoms.
- Celebrating SummerA special edition offering first & foremost …
- Words about PRIDEIn time for Father’s Day, Summer Solstice, and PRIDE, I’m offering a little bite of this & a little bite of that.
- Today It Is “Officially” Summer … Celebrations Are In Order!In the end, I would really like to be counted among the Joyful Ones … all of us together.
- Best & Highest Use… what is ours?
- Localopolis 2023A beautiful day in the neighborhood ….
- Sometimes It Can Only Be PoetryOn the days when I find it just too much to bear, I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and ask for a poem.
- And Sometimes It Just Has to Be a SongI love to think of us all making beautiful noise and getting into good trouble together … for a long, long time.
- Back on the Banned Books Bandwagon“… whatever human beings are, we are storytellers. It is our stories that give a light to the future.” –Nikki Giovanni
- Conversation With Friends: Devon ErvinOur fifth Conversation with Friends featured author and friend Devon Ervin.
- This week I’m writing about Devon, Yvonne, and Barbie… unwrapped & out of their pretty pink boxes!
- Some Things Move Us More Than We Can SayLittle blessings that don’t always come packaged the way we expected.
- Tousled & Dismantleda Being that can continually be remade.
- So it has arrived at last. You knew it would.Summer can’t last forever. Nothing does.
- Time to Tear off the Roof & Take a Peek… make a bid for “higher” Education, add a touch of Feral Feminism & just for good measure … a dash of Irreverence.
- Vocal ActivismWhat do we have time for? What do we make time for? And how do we use our voices in service to a greater good?
- Fall Foliage is Ablaze with Color … and the World is on Fire!The world is on fire.
- I Know the World is Bruised and Bleedingand though it is important not to ignore its pain, it is also critical to refuse to succumb to its malevolence … Toni Morrison
- Thanksgiving 2023… when it comes to holding Heartbreak & Hope in the same hand, sometimes Poetry & Music helps – sometimes not.
- Light Waves Special EditionExpanding Our Conversation on Israel-Palestine on December 5
- Small Kindnesses & Pockets of Joy Reflected in December’s Dark Mirror… And an invitation to turn the page in a “Release & Renewal Conversation With Friends”.
- ‘Release & Renewal Conversation With Friends’ ReminderI hope you will join us. Your presence will surely enrich the conversation.
- EPIPHANIES … Timely Definitions for January 6th & BeyondCommemorating the sacred, the profane, and the birthday of Kahlil Gibran, accompanied by a couple of poems & a song.
- ‘Round the Bend … Almost.What happened to January & what comes next?
- Late Winter GreetingsWhere will we find enough shovels to dig small graves among the olive trees?
- March!almost Spring, almost warm, and suddenly … there is more light, and suddenly daffodils and robins and the smell of damp earth yearning for fresh seeds. Suddenly it’s March again. Women’s History Month … In like a lion, out like a lamb? We’ll see about that.
- April is National Poetry Monthand the days are flying by …
- Walk This WayIt’s May with Its Matriarchal Energy.
- Halfway Through the YearIt’s Time for Lightmaking …
- ON THE FENCE … and coming out of the fogSo much hanging in the balance and the fence so fragile.
- … And Off We Go!What a difference a month makes.
- What Cannot Be Said Will Be Wept (Sappho)In times like these, we cry out for poetry.
- And Now the Time Between …… Living in the Upside Down
- IF you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs …… a bit of advice from Rudyard Kipling and other good men. (Warning: the Aging Rascal has come out to play. This post is not for the faint of heart)
- And Here We Are …… activists, writers, thinkers, doers, everyday people who know in our hearts that a better world is possible, determined to keep doing our part (whatever that may be) to make it happen. Let’s just give ourselves a minute to take a deep breath together as this historic day unfolds.
- Light Waves for the Day After …… breathing through our collective layers of heartbreak.
- Letting in the Light!And so we begin again.
- Where the Spirit Meets the Bone… Comfort Food for the Season of Cold & Long with little bites of Kindness & a garnish of shameless self-promotion.
- “T’was the night before Christmas, but nobody was really noticing.”… When I could not have said it better, I borrow.
- We’ve Crossed the Threshold… And Now Is Our Time to Hold the Light.
- Our National Days of Mourning… and then we pull up our Big Kid underpants, keep our eyes wide open and Get to Work.
- The Little Shop of Horrors is Back & Open for BusinessPost-Coronation Greetings, Fellow Americans looking for Light!
- When we find ourselves at the intersection of Courage & Capitulation… it’s time to STOP in the name of Love
Meet Sulima
- Arms Filled With BittersweetA memoir, rich in detail & sensory experience, offering poetry & reflective prose … a lyrical journey through the author’s history, stitched together with the thread of compassionate wisdom.
- All In The Soup TogetherSulima shares soup recipes she’s collected over the years. Each season is introduced with a poem & photograph, each recipe accompanied by a “reflection” that offers its own special seasoning.
- Sulima MalzinAuthor Sulima Malzin, who at age 83 identifies as an aging rascal and an occasional writer, has been putting words to paper since elementary school.
- Words That DanceWords That Dance is a small volume of (mostly) poetry, a collection of Sulima Malzin’s sweet memories, random thoughts, and speculation.
- How to Buy Sulima’s BooksHere are ways to buy Words that Dance and Arms Filled with Bittersweet by Sulima Malzin.
- “Don’t Let Democracy Die” MarchOn the 100-year anniversary of finally acquiring the vote, we the women, we the people, all the people, must not let our democracy die.
- Book Launch of Words That DanceA reading of some poems from Words That Dance, filmed at the West Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on September 11, 2021. (VIDEO)
- Inaugural Reading of Arms Filled With BittersweetInaugural reading of some poems from Arms Filled with Bittersweet, filmed at the West Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on May 21, 2022. (VIDEO)
- Dangerous Times Call for Dangerous WomenTED Talks: Pat Mitchell has nothing left to prove and much less to lose – she’s become a “dangerous woman.”
- Writing a Better Story, by Carrie NewcomerWhen I discovered this inspirational recording, I knew I had found my theme song for Arms Filled With Bittersweet. Maybe yours too.
- Nosdrovyea! (maybe) What? In a week where enormously horrible stuff is happening in the world, it’s borscht that gets a spot on the U.N. protection list?
- Ruth Bader GinsbergWhat’s the difference between a bookkeeper in the garment district and a Supreme Court Justice? One generation. – RIP, Notorious RBG
- Speaking of HopeHope is not a lottery ticket you can sit on the sofa and clutch, feeling lucky. (Rebecca Solnit)
- Older LadiesIf you need a little lift today, “Older Ladies” just might be your ticket.
- Ann Staley Tribute at the Milwaukie Poetry SeriesPoet Sulima Malzin joins the Ann Staley tribute at the Milwaukie Poetry Series: Season 15 Episode 11, filmed July 13, 2022. (VIDEO)
- Behind a Wall That Needs Tearing Down“Everything we need to know sits behind a wall that needs tearing down.” – Maya Stein
- Bold, Blunt Language“During a time when lies are invading the land of truth, let us know hope is just an idea if it doesn’t lace its boots.” –Andrea Gibson, they/them
- Only in Oregon ….Hunter Noack, IN A LANDSCAPE: Classical Music in the Wild is an outdoor concert series where America’s most stunning landscapes replace the traditional concert hall.
- Always Looking for Acts of KindnessWhen so much of the “news” that makes its way to our screens and inboxes is about violence & meanness, I am always looking for acts of kindness.
- Put a Woman in ChargeWhen Enough is Enough is Enough, Keb Mo & Roseanne Cash have the answer …
- Reflections on The Supreme Court v American Democracy and moreReflections on The Supreme Court v American Democracy, Ursula K. Le Guin on abortion, and Michael Moore on the Roevember Elections.
- This I Believe About WritingWhen asked why I write and what I believe about writing, my answers will depend entirely on the day and time the question is asked. These questions have a multitude of answers and these are the ones that I have for today.
- Denise Busch and DanceAbilityINTRODUCING …. one of my favorite creative rascals …. long-time friend and Raging Granny Sister, Denise Busch. “DanceAbility” is her latest endeavor.
- “Rage On!” A Raging Grannies Documentary“We don’t know what you’ve been told, but we get strong as we get old. Rage On, Portland Raging Grannies, Rage On!” A sweet, short documentary ….
- Can We Have a Little Chat About…In the news this week, ‘Esteemed Vogue photographer Annie Leibovitz is under fire again for her latest portraits of a Black woman.’ What’s your take?
- Reverence for Ordinary MomentsI visit this site when I need to tune back in to holding reverence for ordinary moments and deep appreciation for life, regardless of what is going on in my world.
- September Elegy … on the subject of Special Needs & Special GiftsThis is one of those stories that practically wrote itself. The time was right, the words were there and meant to be shared.
- Conversation With Friends: Paul SusiIt’s time for our first CONVERSATION WITH FRIENDS, Sunday, September 18, 4pm (PT). Please consider joining as we visit with Paul Susi, Portland theater artist, writer, and community activist.
- The SlowdownIf you’re not already familiar with The Slowdown, curated by the current Poet Laureate Ada Limon, today’s poem is a great introduction.
- Are You Voting This Time?The Portland Raging Grannies are part of an international gathering of Aging Rascals who thrive on helping to raise human consciousness. We sing, we dance, we march, we show up!
- October in All Its GloryHispanic Heritage in full bloom, State Fairs winding down …. breathing space between the summer that has been and the winter that is coming.
- Practice the PrivilegeI want to emphasize what it means to practice the privilege we still have as Americans … to Vote.
- Reviewing SummerI like what we’ve done and I hope you do too, from comic relief to deep philosophical reflections.
- Auction: Live Performance by Paul Susi, “The Fever”Get tickets now for “The Fever” live theater performance by Paul Susi, November 19th 7-9pm on WHUUF’s Sanctuary stage.
- Thanks & GivingIt seems like just yesterday that I commented on All Souls Day and the busy month of November ahead of us. And yet here we are …
- Soup, Strike, & SingTo my principle of balance being best achieved when sharing both philosophical reflections and comic relief, here are two for your consideration.
- Songs, Dances, Poems & Gifts of DecemberSunday’s “Group Soup Book Launch” is taking a lot of my time this week, but it’s not the only thing happening.
- But We’re Not Quite There YetThese days we walk a fine line. We know that very soon the light will be returning … but we’re not quite there yet.
- Winter Solstice is Upon UsLast week I said “…. but we’re not quite there yet …. “ and now we are!
- Here Again in That Inbetween PlaceWe find ourselves somewhere between the Milky Way and the Mountains, caught between what we meant to do and what we did.
- Remembered Women“When will we learn from a woman like this – with her incredible gentleness, the light that fills where she is, that love is a form of intelligence.”
- First Russian Christmas Open House Since 2020On Sunday afternoon amidst sudden showers & splashes of sunshine, my home began filling with friends, neighbors and family.
- Baring and BearingIn the Great State of Missouri, known as the “show me” state, it seems that “baring arms” is what most needed immediate legislation.
- Too Much News from Too Many DirectionsWait! What? Isn’t it March that’s supposed to come in like a Lion? It feels like the whole pride is here early!
- We can’t begin to know what next week will bring. But we can b r e a t h e.Here we go, then, with a little bit of this, a little bit of that. Here and there a poem, maybe a song. Wade through it all or …
- One Child, One Teacher, One Book, One Pen Can Change the World“I always loved English because whatever human beings are, we are storytellers. It is our stories that give a light to the future.”
- Happy Snow DaysIt’s time to replenish the hummingbird’s sugar water and refill the bird feeder (again). These little guys need all the help they can get.
- Share Some of your Favorite Historical WomenLet’s hear it for your female heroes! Who were they and what did they do to influence who you’ve become?
- International Women’s DayInternational Women’s Day only happens once a year and I couldn’t let this one go by uncelebrated.
- Everything in BetweenThis week marks a couple of life-changing personal anniversaries for me which I’ve decided to share with you. Why? Why not.
- New Plantings Take RootThat last little snowstorm was just a test of faith. The old cherry tree outside my window is showing off its tiny pink nubs yet again. Hope springs eternal.
- It’s National Poetry Month“There is too much beauty in this world to give up on it yet.”
- In the midst of Nat’l Poetry Month… isn’t this where we should be?
- Celebrating Our Elders… we and the world are alive again today, and this is the world’s birthday. And even though we’ll never be young again, we also know we’re still right here.
- Making America Beautiful AgainI remind myself of the good that is happening everywhere, thanks to the everyday people who have chosen to neither stand back nor stand by.
- It’s the Merry Month of Motherhood …… or maybe not.
- Memorial Day Weekend…when under the guise of remembering our fallen heroes ….
- Stand Against Book BanningJoin a Banned Book Club and resist the erosion of our literary freedoms.
- Celebrating SummerA special edition offering first & foremost …
- Words about PRIDEIn time for Father’s Day, Summer Solstice, and PRIDE, I’m offering a little bite of this & a little bite of that.
- Best & Highest Use… what is ours?
- And Sometimes It Just Has to Be a SongI love to think of us all making beautiful noise and getting into good trouble together … for a long, long time.
- Back on the Banned Books Bandwagon“… whatever human beings are, we are storytellers. It is our stories that give a light to the future.” –Nikki Giovanni
- This week I’m writing about Devon, Yvonne, and Barbie… unwrapped & out of their pretty pink boxes!
- Some Things Move Us More Than We Can SayLittle blessings that don’t always come packaged the way we expected.
- Tousled & Dismantleda Being that can continually be remade.
- So it has arrived at last. You knew it would.Summer can’t last forever. Nothing does.
- Time to Tear off the Roof & Take a Peek… make a bid for “higher” Education, add a touch of Feral Feminism & just for good measure … a dash of Irreverence.
- Vocal ActivismWhat do we have time for? What do we make time for? And how do we use our voices in service to a greater good?
- Fall Foliage is Ablaze with Color … and the World is on Fire!The world is on fire.
- I Know the World is Bruised and Bleedingand though it is important not to ignore its pain, it is also critical to refuse to succumb to its malevolence … Toni Morrison
- Thanksgiving 2023… when it comes to holding Heartbreak & Hope in the same hand, sometimes Poetry & Music helps – sometimes not.
- Light Waves Special EditionExpanding Our Conversation on Israel-Palestine on December 5
- EPIPHANIES … Timely Definitions for January 6th & BeyondCommemorating the sacred, the profane, and the birthday of Kahlil Gibran, accompanied by a couple of poems & a song.
- ‘Round the Bend … Almost.What happened to January & what comes next?
- Late Winter GreetingsWhere will we find enough shovels to dig small graves among the olive trees?
- March!almost Spring, almost warm, and suddenly … there is more light, and suddenly daffodils and robins and the smell of damp earth yearning for fresh seeds. Suddenly it’s March again. Women’s History Month … In like a lion, out like a lamb? We’ll see about that.
- Walk This WayIt’s May with Its Matriarchal Energy.
- Halfway Through the YearIt’s Time for Lightmaking …
- ON THE FENCE … and coming out of the fogSo much hanging in the balance and the fence so fragile.
- … And Off We Go!What a difference a month makes.
- What Cannot Be Said Will Be Wept (Sappho)In times like these, we cry out for poetry.
- And Now the Time Between …… Living in the Upside Down
- IF you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs …… a bit of advice from Rudyard Kipling and other good men. (Warning: the Aging Rascal has come out to play. This post is not for the faint of heart)
- And Here We Are …… activists, writers, thinkers, doers, everyday people who know in our hearts that a better world is possible, determined to keep doing our part (whatever that may be) to make it happen. Let’s just give ourselves a minute to take a deep breath together as this historic day unfolds.
- Light Waves for the Day After …… breathing through our collective layers of heartbreak.
- Letting in the Light!And so we begin again.
- Where the Spirit Meets the Bone… Comfort Food for the Season of Cold & Long with little bites of Kindness & a garnish of shameless self-promotion.
- “T’was the night before Christmas, but nobody was really noticing.”… When I could not have said it better, I borrow.
- We’ve Crossed the Threshold… And Now Is Our Time to Hold the Light.
- Our National Days of Mourning… and then we pull up our Big Kid underpants, keep our eyes wide open and Get to Work.
- The Little Shop of Horrors is Back & Open for BusinessPost-Coronation Greetings, Fellow Americans looking for Light!
- When we find ourselves at the intersection of Courage & Capitulation… it’s time to STOP in the name of Love
- The Zoom RoomLooking for the link to join the Conversation with Friends? We’ve got you covered!
- Writing Lab: Where Our Writing Takes UsIt’s time to restart my “Where Our Writing Takes Us” writing lab. If you’re in the Portland/King City area, read on.
- And Here We Are …… activists, writers, thinkers, doers, everyday people who know in our hearts that a better world is possible, determined to keep doing our part (whatever that may be) to make it happen. Let’s just give ourselves a minute to take a deep breath together as this historic day unfolds.
- Ann Staley Tribute at the Milwaukie Poetry SeriesPoet Sulima Malzin joins the Ann Staley tribute at the Milwaukie Poetry Series: Season 15 Episode 11, filmed July 13, 2022. (VIDEO)
- Bold, Blunt Language“During a time when lies are invading the land of truth, let us know hope is just an idea if it doesn’t lace its boots.” –Andrea Gibson, they/them
- September Elegy … on the subject of Special Needs & Special GiftsThis is one of those stories that practically wrote itself. The time was right, the words were there and meant to be shared.
- The SlowdownIf you’re not already familiar with The Slowdown, curated by the current Poet Laureate Ada Limon, today’s poem is a great introduction.
- November … Heading into the Season of Cold & LongA busy month full of events and poetry and conversation. Which of these will you join?
- Songs, Dances, Poems & Gifts of DecemberSunday’s “Group Soup Book Launch” is taking a lot of my time this week, but it’s not the only thing happening.
- If Poetry is Meaningful to You……Please Buy Poetry Books. A PSA from the poet, Ellen Bass.
- But We’re Not Quite There YetThese days we walk a fine line. We know that very soon the light will be returning … but we’re not quite there yet.
- Here Again in That Inbetween PlaceWe find ourselves somewhere between the Milky Way and the Mountains, caught between what we meant to do and what we did.
- Remembered Women“When will we learn from a woman like this – with her incredible gentleness, the light that fills where she is, that love is a form of intelligence.”
- First Russian Christmas Open House Since 2020On Sunday afternoon amidst sudden showers & splashes of sunshine, my home began filling with friends, neighbors and family.
- Baring and BearingIn the Great State of Missouri, known as the “show me” state, it seems that “baring arms” is what most needed immediate legislation.
- We can’t begin to know what next week will bring. But we can b r e a t h e.Here we go, then, with a little bit of this, a little bit of that. Here and there a poem, maybe a song. Wade through it all or …
- One Child, One Teacher, One Book, One Pen Can Change the World“I always loved English because whatever human beings are, we are storytellers. It is our stories that give a light to the future.”
- Happy Snow DaysIt’s time to replenish the hummingbird’s sugar water and refill the bird feeder (again). These little guys need all the help they can get.
- New Plantings Take RootThat last little snowstorm was just a test of faith. The old cherry tree outside my window is showing off its tiny pink nubs yet again. Hope springs eternal.
- It’s National Poetry Month“There is too much beauty in this world to give up on it yet.”
- In the midst of Nat’l Poetry Month… isn’t this where we should be?
- Springboards and RascalityI don’t know about you, but I desperately needed a break.
- Celebrating Our Elders… we and the world are alive again today, and this is the world’s birthday. And even though we’ll never be young again, we also know we’re still right here.
- Making America Beautiful AgainI remind myself of the good that is happening everywhere, thanks to the everyday people who have chosen to neither stand back nor stand by.
- It’s the Merry Month of Motherhood …… or maybe not.
- Stand Against Book BanningJoin a Banned Book Club and resist the erosion of our literary freedoms.
- Celebrating SummerA special edition offering first & foremost …
- Words about PRIDEIn time for Father’s Day, Summer Solstice, and PRIDE, I’m offering a little bite of this & a little bite of that.
- Today It Is “Officially” Summer … Celebrations Are In Order!In the end, I would really like to be counted among the Joyful Ones … all of us together.
- Best & Highest Use… what is ours?
- Sometimes It Can Only Be PoetryOn the days when I find it just too much to bear, I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and ask for a poem.
- So it has arrived at last. You knew it would.Summer can’t last forever. Nothing does.
- Time to Tear off the Roof & Take a Peek… make a bid for “higher” Education, add a touch of Feral Feminism & just for good measure … a dash of Irreverence.
- Vocal ActivismWhat do we have time for? What do we make time for? And how do we use our voices in service to a greater good?
- Fall Foliage is Ablaze with Color … and the World is on Fire!The world is on fire.
- I Know the World is Bruised and Bleedingand though it is important not to ignore its pain, it is also critical to refuse to succumb to its malevolence … Toni Morrison
- Thanksgiving 2023… when it comes to holding Heartbreak & Hope in the same hand, sometimes Poetry & Music helps – sometimes not.
- Small Kindnesses & Pockets of Joy Reflected in December’s Dark Mirror… And an invitation to turn the page in a “Release & Renewal Conversation With Friends”.
- ‘Release & Renewal Conversation With Friends’ ReminderI hope you will join us. Your presence will surely enrich the conversation.
- EPIPHANIES … Timely Definitions for January 6th & BeyondCommemorating the sacred, the profane, and the birthday of Kahlil Gibran, accompanied by a couple of poems & a song.
- ‘Round the Bend … Almost.What happened to January & what comes next?
- Late Winter GreetingsWhere will we find enough shovels to dig small graves among the olive trees?
- March!almost Spring, almost warm, and suddenly … there is more light, and suddenly daffodils and robins and the smell of damp earth yearning for fresh seeds. Suddenly it’s March again. Women’s History Month … In like a lion, out like a lamb? We’ll see about that.
- April is National Poetry Monthand the days are flying by …
- Walk This WayIt’s May with Its Matriarchal Energy.
- Halfway Through the YearIt’s Time for Lightmaking …
- … And Off We Go!What a difference a month makes.
- What Cannot Be Said Will Be Wept (Sappho)In times like these, we cry out for poetry.
- And Now the Time Between …… Living in the Upside Down
- And Here We Are …… activists, writers, thinkers, doers, everyday people who know in our hearts that a better world is possible, determined to keep doing our part (whatever that may be) to make it happen. Let’s just give ourselves a minute to take a deep breath together as this historic day unfolds.
- Where the Spirit Meets the Bone… Comfort Food for the Season of Cold & Long with little bites of Kindness & a garnish of shameless self-promotion.
- We’ve Crossed the Threshold… And Now Is Our Time to Hold the Light.
- The Little Shop of Horrors is Back & Open for BusinessPost-Coronation Greetings, Fellow Americans looking for Light!
- The Zoom RoomLooking for the link to join the Conversation with Friends? We’ve got you covered!
- Book Launch of Words That DanceA reading of some poems from Words That Dance, filmed at the West Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on September 11, 2021. (VIDEO)
- Inaugural Reading of Arms Filled With BittersweetInaugural reading of some poems from Arms Filled with Bittersweet, filmed at the West Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on May 21, 2022. (VIDEO)
- Ann Staley Tribute at the Milwaukie Poetry SeriesPoet Sulima Malzin joins the Ann Staley tribute at the Milwaukie Poetry Series: Season 15 Episode 11, filmed July 13, 2022. (VIDEO)
- Bold, Blunt Language“During a time when lies are invading the land of truth, let us know hope is just an idea if it doesn’t lace its boots.” –Andrea Gibson, they/them
- Event: Calendar House Senior CenterIf you happen to be anywhere near Sulima’s hometown of Southington, Connecticut the last week of September, you might want to check this out!
- This I Believe About WritingWhen asked why I write and what I believe about writing, my answers will depend entirely on the day and time the question is asked. These questions have a multitude of answers and these are the ones that I have for today.
- Summertime Poems – Two Readings“Summertime & the livin’ is easy …” As August draws to a close, listen to two readings by two poets.
- Today’s Pick-Me-UpToday’s Pick-Me-Up is “CHOCOLATE” … a very fun singalong that was a feature of the annual “Chocolate Communion Service” at my church … a service devoted to “pleasure activism.”
- September Elegy … on the subject of Special Needs & Special GiftsThis is one of those stories that practically wrote itself. The time was right, the words were there and meant to be shared.
- Conversation With Friends: Paul SusiIt’s time for our first CONVERSATION WITH FRIENDS, Sunday, September 18, 4pm (PT). Please consider joining as we visit with Paul Susi, Portland theater artist, writer, and community activist.
- The SlowdownIf you’re not already familiar with The Slowdown, curated by the current Poet Laureate Ada Limon, today’s poem is a great introduction.
- Southington CT Book TourThis week, I leave for my long-awaited ‘little book tour’ beginning in my hometown of Southington, Connecticut just in time for the start of the town’s “Apple Harvest Festival.” Stay tuned for more!
- On the RoadSulima is “on the road” this week in her native Connecticut, her arms (literally) filled with Bittersweet and Words That Dance. She will return next week with stories to share.
- Poignancy & Progress at the Apple Harvest FestivalHighlights from Sulima’s 2022 book signing trip through Connecticut.
- November … Heading into the Season of Cold & LongA busy month full of events and poetry and conversation. Which of these will you join?
- Auction: Live Performance by Paul Susi, “The Fever”Get tickets now for “The Fever” live theater performance by Paul Susi, November 19th 7-9pm on WHUUF’s Sanctuary stage.
- All In The Soup Together … An InvitationI’ve heard it said that people all over the world are made the same … only the soups are different. I like to believe this is true.
- Soup, Strike, & SingTo my principle of balance being best achieved when sharing both philosophical reflections and comic relief, here are two for your consideration.
- Songs, Dances, Poems & Gifts of DecemberSunday’s “Group Soup Book Launch” is taking a lot of my time this week, but it’s not the only thing happening.
- If Poetry is Meaningful to You……Please Buy Poetry Books. A PSA from the poet, Ellen Bass.
- Group Soup & Book LaunchWhat a turnout for the launch of ‘All In The Soup Together … Four Seasons Of Recipes & Reflections’!
- But We’re Not Quite There YetThese days we walk a fine line. We know that very soon the light will be returning … but we’re not quite there yet.
- Here Again in That Inbetween PlaceWe find ourselves somewhere between the Milky Way and the Mountains, caught between what we meant to do and what we did.
- Remembered Women“When will we learn from a woman like this – with her incredible gentleness, the light that fills where she is, that love is a form of intelligence.”
- First Russian Christmas Open House Since 2020On Sunday afternoon amidst sudden showers & splashes of sunshine, my home began filling with friends, neighbors and family.
- Baring and BearingIn the Great State of Missouri, known as the “show me” state, it seems that “baring arms” is what most needed immediate legislation.
- We can’t begin to know what next week will bring. But we can b r e a t h e.Here we go, then, with a little bit of this, a little bit of that. Here and there a poem, maybe a song. Wade through it all or …
- One Child, One Teacher, One Book, One Pen Can Change the World“I always loved English because whatever human beings are, we are storytellers. It is our stories that give a light to the future.”
- Happy Snow DaysIt’s time to replenish the hummingbird’s sugar water and refill the bird feeder (again). These little guys need all the help they can get.
- International Women’s DayInternational Women’s Day only happens once a year and I couldn’t let this one go by uncelebrated.
- New Plantings Take RootThat last little snowstorm was just a test of faith. The old cherry tree outside my window is showing off its tiny pink nubs yet again. Hope springs eternal.
- It’s National Poetry Month“There is too much beauty in this world to give up on it yet.”
- In the midst of Nat’l Poetry Month… isn’t this where we should be?
- Springboards and RascalityI don’t know about you, but I desperately needed a break.
- Celebrating Our Elders… we and the world are alive again today, and this is the world’s birthday. And even though we’ll never be young again, we also know we’re still right here.
- Making America Beautiful AgainI remind myself of the good that is happening everywhere, thanks to the everyday people who have chosen to neither stand back nor stand by.
- It’s the Merry Month of Motherhood …… or maybe not.
- Signs of CelebrationFinally … the place I knew would be home from then on … and so it has been.
- Memorial Day Weekend…when under the guise of remembering our fallen heroes ….
- Stand Against Book BanningJoin a Banned Book Club and resist the erosion of our literary freedoms.
- Celebrating SummerA special edition offering first & foremost …
- Words about PRIDEIn time for Father’s Day, Summer Solstice, and PRIDE, I’m offering a little bite of this & a little bite of that.
- Today It Is “Officially” Summer … Celebrations Are In Order!In the end, I would really like to be counted among the Joyful Ones … all of us together.
- Best & Highest Use… what is ours?
- Sometimes It Can Only Be PoetryOn the days when I find it just too much to bear, I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and ask for a poem.
- So it has arrived at last. You knew it would.Summer can’t last forever. Nothing does.
- Time to Tear off the Roof & Take a Peek… make a bid for “higher” Education, add a touch of Feral Feminism & just for good measure … a dash of Irreverence.
- Vocal ActivismWhat do we have time for? What do we make time for? And how do we use our voices in service to a greater good?
- Fall Foliage is Ablaze with Color … and the World is on Fire!The world is on fire.
- I Know the World is Bruised and Bleedingand though it is important not to ignore its pain, it is also critical to refuse to succumb to its malevolence … Toni Morrison
- Thanksgiving 2023… when it comes to holding Heartbreak & Hope in the same hand, sometimes Poetry & Music helps – sometimes not.
- Small Kindnesses & Pockets of Joy Reflected in December’s Dark Mirror… And an invitation to turn the page in a “Release & Renewal Conversation With Friends”.
- ‘Release & Renewal Conversation With Friends’ ReminderI hope you will join us. Your presence will surely enrich the conversation.
- EPIPHANIES … Timely Definitions for January 6th & BeyondCommemorating the sacred, the profane, and the birthday of Kahlil Gibran, accompanied by a couple of poems & a song.
- ‘Round the Bend … Almost.What happened to January & what comes next?
- Late Winter GreetingsWhere will we find enough shovels to dig small graves among the olive trees?
- March!almost Spring, almost warm, and suddenly … there is more light, and suddenly daffodils and robins and the smell of damp earth yearning for fresh seeds. Suddenly it’s March again. Women’s History Month … In like a lion, out like a lamb? We’ll see about that.
- April is National Poetry Monthand the days are flying by …
- Walk This WayIt’s May with Its Matriarchal Energy.
- Halfway Through the YearIt’s Time for Lightmaking …
- … And Off We Go!What a difference a month makes.
- What Cannot Be Said Will Be Wept (Sappho)In times like these, we cry out for poetry.
- And Now the Time Between …… Living in the Upside Down
- And Here We Are …… activists, writers, thinkers, doers, everyday people who know in our hearts that a better world is possible, determined to keep doing our part (whatever that may be) to make it happen. Let’s just give ourselves a minute to take a deep breath together as this historic day unfolds.
- Where the Spirit Meets the Bone… Comfort Food for the Season of Cold & Long with little bites of Kindness & a garnish of shameless self-promotion.
- We’ve Crossed the Threshold… And Now Is Our Time to Hold the Light.
- The Little Shop of Horrors is Back & Open for BusinessPost-Coronation Greetings, Fellow Americans looking for Light!
Tell me?
- There Is Always a LightReaching consensus can be messy, disruptive, and time consuming. With so much else on our plates, do we really have time for that kind of deep listening?
- We can’t begin to know what next week will bring. But we can b r e a t h e.Here we go, then, with a little bit of this, a little bit of that. Here and there a poem, maybe a song. Wade through it all or …
- Share Some of your Favorite Historical WomenLet’s hear it for your female heroes! Who were they and what did they do to influence who you’ve become?
- Stand Against Book BanningJoin a Banned Book Club and resist the erosion of our literary freedoms.
- Book Launch of Words That DanceA reading of some poems from Words That Dance, filmed at the West Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on September 11, 2021. (VIDEO)
- Inaugural Reading of Arms Filled With BittersweetInaugural reading of some poems from Arms Filled with Bittersweet, filmed at the West Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on May 21, 2022. (VIDEO)
- Dangerous Times Call for Dangerous WomenTED Talks: Pat Mitchell has nothing left to prove and much less to lose – she’s become a “dangerous woman.”
- Writing a Better Story, by Carrie NewcomerWhen I discovered this inspirational recording, I knew I had found my theme song for Arms Filled With Bittersweet. Maybe yours too.
- Older LadiesIf you need a little lift today, “Older Ladies” just might be your ticket.
- Ann Staley Tribute at the Milwaukie Poetry SeriesPoet Sulima Malzin joins the Ann Staley tribute at the Milwaukie Poetry Series: Season 15 Episode 11, filmed July 13, 2022. (VIDEO)
- Behind a Wall That Needs Tearing Down“Everything we need to know sits behind a wall that needs tearing down.” – Maya Stein
- Bold, Blunt Language“During a time when lies are invading the land of truth, let us know hope is just an idea if it doesn’t lace its boots.” –Andrea Gibson, they/them
- Only in Oregon ….Hunter Noack, IN A LANDSCAPE: Classical Music in the Wild is an outdoor concert series where America’s most stunning landscapes replace the traditional concert hall.
- Always Looking for Acts of KindnessWhen so much of the “news” that makes its way to our screens and inboxes is about violence & meanness, I am always looking for acts of kindness.
- Put a Woman in ChargeWhen Enough is Enough is Enough, Keb Mo & Roseanne Cash have the answer …
- This I Believe About WritingWhen asked why I write and what I believe about writing, my answers will depend entirely on the day and time the question is asked. These questions have a multitude of answers and these are the ones that I have for today.
- Denise Busch and DanceAbilityINTRODUCING …. one of my favorite creative rascals …. long-time friend and Raging Granny Sister, Denise Busch. “DanceAbility” is her latest endeavor.
- “Rage On!” A Raging Grannies Documentary“We don’t know what you’ve been told, but we get strong as we get old. Rage On, Portland Raging Grannies, Rage On!” A sweet, short documentary ….
- Reverence for Ordinary MomentsI visit this site when I need to tune back in to holding reverence for ordinary moments and deep appreciation for life, regardless of what is going on in my world.
- Are You Voting This Time?The Portland Raging Grannies are part of an international gathering of Aging Rascals who thrive on helping to raise human consciousness. We sing, we dance, we march, we show up!
- Soup, Strike, & SingTo my principle of balance being best achieved when sharing both philosophical reflections and comic relief, here are two for your consideration.
- Winter Solstice is Upon UsLast week I said “…. but we’re not quite there yet …. “ and now we are!
- International Women’s DayInternational Women’s Day only happens once a year and I couldn’t let this one go by uncelebrated.
- It’s National Poetry Month“There is too much beauty in this world to give up on it yet.”
- In the midst of Nat’l Poetry Month… isn’t this where we should be?
- Celebrating SummerA special edition offering first & foremost …
- Words about PRIDEIn time for Father’s Day, Summer Solstice, and PRIDE, I’m offering a little bite of this & a little bite of that.
- Vocal ActivismWhat do we have time for? What do we make time for? And how do we use our voices in service to a greater good?
- Fall Foliage is Ablaze with Color … and the World is on Fire!The world is on fire.
- I Know the World is Bruised and Bleedingand though it is important not to ignore its pain, it is also critical to refuse to succumb to its malevolence … Toni Morrison
- EPIPHANIES … Timely Definitions for January 6th & BeyondCommemorating the sacred, the profane, and the birthday of Kahlil Gibran, accompanied by a couple of poems & a song.
- ‘Round the Bend … Almost.What happened to January & what comes next?
- Walk This WayIt’s May with Its Matriarchal Energy.
- … And Off We Go!What a difference a month makes.
- What Cannot Be Said Will Be Wept (Sappho)In times like these, we cry out for poetry.
- And Now the Time Between …… Living in the Upside Down
- IF you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs …… a bit of advice from Rudyard Kipling and other good men. (Warning: the Aging Rascal has come out to play. This post is not for the faint of heart)
- And Here We Are …… activists, writers, thinkers, doers, everyday people who know in our hearts that a better world is possible, determined to keep doing our part (whatever that may be) to make it happen. Let’s just give ourselves a minute to take a deep breath together as this historic day unfolds.
- Light Waves for the Day After …… breathing through our collective layers of heartbreak.
- Letting in the Light!And so we begin again.
- Where the Spirit Meets the Bone… Comfort Food for the Season of Cold & Long with little bites of Kindness & a garnish of shameless self-promotion.
- “T’was the night before Christmas, but nobody was really noticing.”… When I could not have said it better, I borrow.
- Our National Days of Mourning… and then we pull up our Big Kid underpants, keep our eyes wide open and Get to Work.
- The Little Shop of Horrors is Back & Open for BusinessPost-Coronation Greetings, Fellow Americans looking for Light!
- When we find ourselves at the intersection of Courage & Capitulation… it’s time to STOP in the name of Love
- Book Launch of Words That DanceA reading of some poems from Words That Dance, filmed at the West Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on September 11, 2021. (VIDEO)
- Inaugural Reading of Arms Filled With BittersweetInaugural reading of some poems from Arms Filled with Bittersweet, filmed at the West Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on May 21, 2022. (VIDEO)
- This I Believe About WritingWhen asked why I write and what I believe about writing, my answers will depend entirely on the day and time the question is asked. These questions have a multitude of answers and these are the ones that I have for today.
- Today’s Pick-Me-UpToday’s Pick-Me-Up is “CHOCOLATE” … a very fun singalong that was a feature of the annual “Chocolate Communion Service” at my church … a service devoted to “pleasure activism.”
- Auction: Live Performance by Paul Susi, “The Fever”Get tickets now for “The Fever” live theater performance by Paul Susi, November 19th 7-9pm on WHUUF’s Sanctuary stage.
- All In The Soup Together … An InvitationI’ve heard it said that people all over the world are made the same … only the soups are different. I like to believe this is true.
- We can’t begin to know what next week will bring. But we can b r e a t h e.Here we go, then, with a little bit of this, a little bit of that. Here and there a poem, maybe a song. Wade through it all or …
- International Women’s DayInternational Women’s Day only happens once a year and I couldn’t let this one go by uncelebrated.
- Making America Beautiful AgainI remind myself of the good that is happening everywhere, thanks to the everyday people who have chosen to neither stand back nor stand by.
- It’s the Merry Month of Motherhood …… or maybe not.
- Words about PRIDEIn time for Father’s Day, Summer Solstice, and PRIDE, I’m offering a little bite of this & a little bite of that.
- ‘Round the Bend … Almost.What happened to January & what comes next?
- April is National Poetry Monthand the days are flying by …
- … And Off We Go!What a difference a month makes.
- Nosdrovyea! (maybe) What? In a week where enormously horrible stuff is happening in the world, it’s borscht that gets a spot on the U.N. protection list?
- Speaking of HopeHope is not a lottery ticket you can sit on the sofa and clutch, feeling lucky. (Rebecca Solnit)
- Behind a Wall That Needs Tearing Down“Everything we need to know sits behind a wall that needs tearing down.” – Maya Stein
- September Elegy … on the subject of Special Needs & Special GiftsThis is one of those stories that practically wrote itself. The time was right, the words were there and meant to be shared.
- The SlowdownIf you’re not already familiar with The Slowdown, curated by the current Poet Laureate Ada Limon, today’s poem is a great introduction.
- Happy Snow DaysIt’s time to replenish the hummingbird’s sugar water and refill the bird feeder (again). These little guys need all the help they can get.
- Celebrating Our Elders… we and the world are alive again today, and this is the world’s birthday. And even though we’ll never be young again, we also know we’re still right here.
- Time to Tear off the Roof & Take a Peek… make a bid for “higher” Education, add a touch of Feral Feminism & just for good measure … a dash of Irreverence.
- And Now the Time Between …… Living in the Upside Down
- Where the Spirit Meets the Bone… Comfort Food for the Season of Cold & Long with little bites of Kindness & a garnish of shameless self-promotion.