… And Off We Go!
What a difference a month makes.
What a difference a month makes.
and the days are flying by …
What happened to January & what comes next?
In time for Father’s Day, Summer Solstice, and PRIDE, I’m offering a little bite of this & a little bite of that.
… or maybe not.
I remind myself of the good that is happening everywhere, thanks to the everyday people who have chosen to neither stand back nor stand by.
International Women’s Day only happens once a year and I couldn’t let this one go by uncelebrated.
Here we go, then, with a little bit of this, a little bit of that. Here and there a poem, maybe a song. Wade through it all or …
I’ve heard it said that people all over the world are made the same … only the soups are different. I like to believe this is true.
Get tickets now for “The Fever” live theater performance by Paul Susi, November 19th 7-9pm on WHUUF’s Sanctuary stage.
Today’s Pick-Me-Up is “CHOCOLATE” … a very fun singalong that was a feature of the annual “Chocolate Communion Service” at my church … a service devoted to “pleasure activism.”
When asked why I write and what I believe about writing, my answers will depend entirely on the day and time the question is asked. These questions have a multitude of answers and these are the ones that I have for today.