All In The Soup Together (Ebook)

It’s been an eventful year and what better way to close it out than with a new book of seasonal recipes, reflections, photographs and poetry?  All In The Soup TogetherFour Seasons of Recipes & Reflections was inspired by and dedicated to some of Sulima’s favorite people …  the folks at West Hills Unitarian Universalist Fellowship for whom she has enjoyed preparing “group soup” over the years and her 17 Grand & Great-Grandchildren who she hopes will enjoy cooking, sharing, and slurping soup together for a very long time.

At long last and after many requests, Sulima shares some of the soup recipes she’s collected over the years along with a couple of new ones. Each recipe is accompanied by a “reflection” that offers its own special seasoning, as in the case of her West African Chicken Peanut Stew, where she writes …  This recipe came to me decades ago via one of the McMenamin cooks with whom I’d been flirting maybe more than a bit … Seriously though, I was thinking soup. I think he was thinking dessert. Obviously, I got the soup recipe … and that’s all I’m going to say about that.

There’s Gazpacho & Dill Pickle Potato & Avocado Cucumber with Buttermilk & Louisiana Gumbo & Greek Fisherman’s Stew & Sulima’s beloved Ukrainian Borshch, plus 17 more for a total of 23 delicious offerings. And each season is ushered in with a photograph and a poem. The Autumn collection begins with “And Now the Time Between”, reminding us that Things happen. We close our eyes for a minute  and something that was there  is gone. And although not everything planted gets to bloom …. the season of harvest still knocks gently at the screened door.

All In The Soup Together (Paperback)

At long last and after many requests, Sulima shares some of the soup recipes she’s collected over the years along with a couple of new ones. Each recipe is accompanied by a “reflection” that offers its own special seasoning.

Arms Filled with Bittersweet (Paperback)

Arms Filled With Bittersweet is just that … an intimate glimpse, via poetry and prose, into a bittersweet mid-century childhood in rural Connecticut. With gentle humor and simple elegance, the author offers a collection of layered memories and braided reflections, choosing to gaze more deeply into the subtle complexities of the time, mostly of love, its disguises, and the creativity it took to thrive then and later. As she says in her opening Note to Readers: For me, my family has become a long and lyrical poem … its margins smudged with cryptic notes, its rough drafts fraught with strong punctuation. Everywhere there are bad line breaks and the never-ending cut and paste of endless revisions … forever meant to be a work in progress.


Tributaries by Sulima Malzin is a heartfelt collection of poetry celebrating homage and gratitude. Through her words, Malzin pays tribute to her unintentional collaborators—the poets and artists who inspired her to pen her truths. Her poems weave together the light and dark of existence, offering solace, reflection, and a deep appreciation for the interconnected streams of life’s experiences.

Words That Dance (1st Ed. Paperback)

In this small volume of conversational poetry and prose, a collection that the author calls a lazy reverie of what was, what is, what might have been and what could be, readers are invited to dance through a lifetime of memories, random thoughts, and speculations. In the words of Toni Morrison … things that are disparate, unresolved, mysterious, or just sweet.

Words That Dance (2nd Ed. Paperback)

Edition: second, 2023

In this small volume of conversational poetry and prose, a collection that the author calls a lazy reverie of what was, what is, what might have been and what could be, readers are invited to dance through a lifetime of memories, random thoughts, and speculations. In the words of Toni Morrison … things that are disparate, unresolved, mysterious, or just sweet.